Northern Safety Network Yukon has partnered with the BC Construction Safety Alliance to bring Asbestos Training and Certification to the Yukon. The training combines an online self-paced format with an in-person assessment and final examination. This model is perfect for our regional challenges. The course provides both quality and flexibility and includes a 75% rebate upon certification through the support of WSCB!

Pay $1000.00 tuition fees and be reimbursed $750.00 once certified.  

Keep your employees, yourself, and your community safe 

New NSNY Online Self-paced Learning: 

If you have started an online course and want to resume you can CLICK HERE to log-in.          


                                                    For further details CLICK HERE or submit an APPLICATION FORM and we will contact you.



COR® is an occupational safety and health accreditation program that verifies a fully implemented safety and health management system which meets national standards. The objectives of COR® are to provide industry employers with effective tools to develop, implement, assess, and promote continual improvement of their safety and health management system to prevent or mitigate incidents and injuries as well as their associated human and financial costs.

COR® is nationally registered, trademarked, and endorsed by the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations (CFCSA) and is delivered through member associations that have a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to serve as the Authority Having Jurisdiction to grant COR® in their respective province/territory.

COR® Certification is a tender/contract requirement on the Government of Yukon projects involving construction activities. Please click here to connect with the YG website and further details.  


Emma Allen at (633-6672) or Barbara Ruf at (633-6676) are available to answer any questions.


The Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations (CFCSA)

Working together for health & safety across Canadian construction job sites -- The Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations (CFCSA) works as an umbrella organization for member provincial and territorial construction safety associations.

Sheila Sergy, Executive Director,


Workers’ Safety and Compensation Board 

The new WORKERS' SAFETY AND COMPENSATION ACT  came into force on July 1, 2022. It replaces the Workers’ Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The changes in the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Act aim to enhance worker safety, reduce workplace injuries, streamline the appeals process and improve return-to-work practices.

The CHOICES Program

Choices is a rebate program through WSCB that rewards companies for training employees. Rebates range from 4% to 10% of your WCB assessment, up to $25,000.00 per year. COR and SECOR, and OCOP businesses automatically qualify for a 10% rebate. For more please CLICK CHOICES  


New Courses

Leadership for Safety Excellence - IN CLASSROOM

We also have the following learning options for this course: 

Date: Thursday April 10, 2025

Cost: $294

Leadership for Safety Excellence - IN CLASSROOM

We also have the following learning options for this course: 

Date: Wednesday June 4, 2025

Cost: $294