OCOP Program

The Owner Operator Certificate of Proficiency (OCOP) is an occupational health and safety certification program for Yukon Owner Operator businesses that have no employees and do not use subcontractors. When you don’t have employees or subcontractors (thus making you the contractor, there is no requirement for a safety management system that is at the auditable standard of COR®). If you are unsure if you qualify as an Owner Operator, please fill in the Determining COR® Needs survey. Note: if you are working in a partnership with your spouse or a family member you do not qualify for OCOP and will need to pursue either the SECOR® or COR® program).

The Owner Operator Certificate of Proficiency is recognition that supports your safe business practices.

Some general examples:

  • Taking the time to minimize the hazards of your worksite
  • Being capable of controlling the hazards and reducing the risk
  • Upholding the safety culture of the worksite

Another benefit is a reduction in overall cost to your business.

Some examples:

  • Cut back on the running back and forth costs through Pre-Job Planning
  • Decrease costs to damaged equipment from lack of safety measures
  • Reduce lost time injury costs through safe job planning

Injury prevention is important to you because you are the Owner, Manager and the Worker. If you are injured then there is no one taking care of your projects, your equipment or your daily business responsibilities.

The OCOP program will help you be familiar with Workers' Safety & Compensation Act and the Workplace Health & Safety Regulations, including duties of Self-Employed Persons. Understanding WHS rights and obligations help ensure regulatory due diligence.

The OCOP program is administered by the Northern Safety Network Yukon and is available to all Yukon Owner Operator businesses which do not have any employees and do not use subcontractors.

Owner Operator Certificate of Proficiency (OCOP) Process

Step 1

Register in the program by filling in the Health & Safety Program Registration Form and the Questionnaire and emailing or faxing them to NSNY.

Step 2

Attend the half day Owner Operator Certificate of Proficiency course

Step 3

Adapt the provided polices to best suit your business.

Implement your health & safety program. You must compile the documentation required by NSNY to demonstrate your participation in safety activities. This includes but is not limited to; Field Level Risk Assessments, Safety Orientation Forms, copies of safety meetings you attended and Safe Job Procedures developed for infrequently performed tasks.

Step 4

Once you have at least 3 months of documented safety activities you can submit your documentation and policies to NSNY for review and approval. It is your responsibility to submit to NSNY your Records of Activity for Review. If you have a successful Records of Activity Review, you will be issued a One Year OCOP certificate.

OCOP certification is maintained by submitting your documentations for review and approval to NSNY annually.