Leadership for Safety Excellence - LSE Proficiency Certification

For Participants who choose to do so, NSNY offers a Certificate of Proficiency as an extra component to the Leadership for Safety Excellence (LSE) program. This certification is voluntary and not mandatory. Certification is good for 1 year. To maintain your certification, you must submit the 4 required documents on a yearly basis.

Proficiency Certification Requirements:

Step 1

Take the Leadership for Safety Excellence (LSE) course and pass the quiz with a minimum score of 80%

Step 2

Compile the following required documents:

  • Minutes of a Toolbox/Safety Meeting conducted by you
  • A Completed site inspection form and Corrective Action Plan, which you conducted, or participated in as a member of an inspection team
  • A completed Hazard Assessment and Corrective Action Plan, which you conducted, or participated in as a member of the hazard assessment team
  • An incident or near miss investigation, that the applicant was involved in, or developed a simulated investigation scenario arising from a high ranking hazard found on the work site
Note: All four components, listed above, must be submitted at the same time for review.

Step 3

Print the LSE Student Submission Checklist, complete the form and attach it to the top of your documents to be submitted

Step 4

Deliver your completed submission package to NSNY either by mail, or in person. Please do not fax in your submission package.

The Certificate of Proficiency will be issued after your submission package has been reviewed. Keep in mind that all documentation submitted must:

  • Bear your name and signature
  • Have been completed by you
  • Have only one applicant per submission (i.e., 4 employees from the same company may not conduct an investigation as a group and then submit that one investigation for all 4 participants)


If you have any additional questions, please contact the NSNY office at 867.633.6673 or info@yukonsafety.com

Submission Packages can be mailed to the following address:

Northern Safety Network Yukon
Attn: LSE Proficiency Review
478 Range Rd.
Whitehorse, YT. Y1A 3A5