Recertifying Your COR® & SECOR® Training


Recertification schedule:

  1. Leadership Refresher is required to recertify your LSE. A 6-month grace period is allowed.

On-going LSE Refresher (recertification) courses:

The 4 courses listed below count as recertification of LSE after both LSE and the Leadership Refresher are complete. The minimum requirement is one new course every three years, although the courses can be taken in the order and timeline of your choice.

  1. Workplace Investigation Basics
  2. Return to Work - Large or Small Business
  3. Yukon Legislation Awareness - Version 2022
  4. Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention


Recertification schedule/options for HSC/WSR: A 6-month grace period is allowed.

The 2 options listed below count as recertification of HSC/WSR. The minimum requirement is one option every three years.

Recert Options:

  1. 1. Submission of Documentation
    • Completed Inspection reports with corrective actions.
    • Completed Hazard Assessments with corrective actions.
    • Minutes of a Toolbox and/or safety meeting you conducted.
    • Completed Investigations with corrective actions (if possible)
    • Minutes of an HSC/WSR meeting(s).
  2. Workplace Investigation Basics

Safety (Internal) Auditor Training: Three-year certification

Registered COR® Auditors

To maintain certification as a registered COR® auditor in good standing the auditor must be certified through the Safety Auditor Training and submit an internal audit or internal maintenance action plan (I-MAP) annually.

On years when an external is conducted, or on the 3rd year of auditor training the auditor may qualify for a recertification exam.

* Submission of annual maintenance audits are required to maintain certification as a registered COR® auditor in good standing.

Principles of Health and Safety Management (PHSM): No expiry

Basic Instructional Techniques (BIT): No expiry

WHMIS-TTT, Version 2020: no expiry

Return to Work (RTW): One time Refresher course.