ONLINE Return to Work for Large Business & The Basics of Workers' Compensation

Price: $165

This is an online course

Upon purchase, you will have 45 days to complete the course. If you are purchasing this course on behalf of someone else, ensure to include their name at the time of registration.

This online course is specifically designed for workplaces with 20 or more employees. Participants will explore the history of workers’ compensation and the legal responsibilities of Return to Work unique to workplaces with 20 or more employees. 

After completing this course, participants will have the knowledge to:

- Describe the basic principles of Workers' Compensation with the rate of inflation and legislation.

- Identify the benefits of Return to Work for both the workers & employers.

- Apply principles of accommodation & undue hardship in the context of Yukon & Human Rights Legislation.

- Evaluate the elements and describe the importance of monitoring a successful RTW plan.

- Identify the resources available to support the employer's RTW activities.