Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention
This course has been cancelled
Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention
The Violence and Harassment Prevention Regulation will come into effect on September 4, 2021.
The Government of Yukon has approved a new regulation aimed at preventing violence and harassment, two serious workplace hazards. The regulation will help to foster a positive culture in the workplace as well as physical and psychological safety for Yukon workers. Enhancements to the existing regulations about hazard assessment have also been a approved, making them clearer and easier to understand.
Harassment and violence in the workplace have far-reaching effects on the health and well-being of workers as well as on their job stability and job satisfaction. Harassment and violence may also have an impact on the overall economy resulting from costs associated with absenteeism, lost productivity and job turnover.
Participants completing this 1/2 day training program will be able to:
- Define harassment, violence, and discrimination
- Discuss the effects of harassment and violence
- Discuss and understand the workplace harassment and violence prevention requirements under the new Yukon regulations.
- Describe the requirements for a workplace violence hazard assessment, policy statements, and procedures
- Discuss the procedures for filing a complaint
- Understand the role of YWCHSB, OH&S Safety Officers and the Yukon Human Rights Commission
“Everyone benefits in workplaces where the culture is positive and collaborative, and where there is trust, respect, teamwork and openness. Violence and harassment are not acceptable in any workplace. By focusing on their prevention, these regulations will make a significant contribution to creating the positive and healthy workplaces we all deserve.” Jeanie Dendys. Minister responsible for the YWCHSB.
We also have the following learning options for this course:
In Class Training and Online Self-Paced Learning